$2,000 For APF/Div. 37 Diane J. Willis Early Career Award

How much is the grant worth?
Who is the grant for?
Mental health and improve the well-being of children and families
Who is awarding the grant?
American Psychological Foundation
What is the deadline for entry?
Summary from their website:
The APF Div. 37 Diane J. Willis Early Career Award is named after Dr. Willis to honor her life-long advocacy on behalf of children and families. Dr. Willis' work cuts across many areas including clinical child, pediatric, developmental and family psychology. Through her publications, clinical work, mentoring and teaching, she has changed policy at the local, national and international level. She has advocated for children's rights at the United Nations, developed programs on prevention and early intervention for Native American children living on reservations and established services promoting the well-being of children with developmental disabilities, chronic illness and those who have suffered from maltreatment.