$25,000 For Ploughshares Fund

How much is the grant worth?
Who is the grant for?
build a safe, secure, nuclear weapons-free world
Who is awarding the grant?
Ploughshares Fund
What is the deadline for entry?
Summary from their website:
Ploughshares Fund is committed to ensuring our grantmaking contributes to a more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible (DEIA) nuclear field. As part of this commitment, we have updated all of our applications for funding to include a new set of questions related to DEIA based on the values that underpin our work. Any information provided will be maintained in a strictly confidential manner and is voluntary to provide. Choosing not to answer these questions will not negatively affect the outcome of your application for funding. We are gathering this information to gain a better understanding of the projects we fund. Instructions related to the specific questions can be found within our applications.